Monday, December 08, 2008


On top of trying to get tithing settlement going and busy Christmas schedule, I spent part of last week in the Mesa temple.
I went down with a couple of colleagues from work to get digital files of all the murals and original art that hangs in the temple. This is a project that my department has been working on for several years. We go into various temples during the time that they are closed for cleaning, set up our equipment and take high resolution shots for printing. Some of the murals, like the ones here have to be taken in pieces and then put together as one image using photoshop. These two murals were taken in 6 shots each with a Hassleblad camera (No real person could afford this camera)
While the boys are busy with the "big" camera I shot these with my phone. Very high tech quality I know.
It was a great experience and the spirit was there even if we were dodging plumbers that are redoing the sewer lines and jumping over carpet layers and painters. It is amazing the amount of work that can be done with the Lord's guidance , in a very short time. In this case the temple will be closed for two weeks, during which time they are completely replacing the sewer system, laying new carpet in all the main hallways and repainting and gold leafing many areas in the temple.


Kristy said...

That's so cool you were able to do that. What a great experience!

Anonymous said...

Amazing they can do all of that in just a couple of weeks when it takes other such projects months at times! The church certainly doesn't make any short cuts either. Interesting murals...I have mixed feelings of those old style murals but they are amazing that someone took the time to do them all.