Thursday, January 14, 2010


In the right hand side bar of my blog you will see a "flag counter" it tracks where in the world people are located that view this blog. Recently a flag appeared for a country I have never heard of. This prompted me to learn more.
The country is in Western Africa North of Ghana, and is known as Burkina Faso.
The country has a population of just over 15 million, and is about the size of Colorado. The life expectancy for a Male in this country is 50. They have an unemployment rate of 77% and about a 20% literacy rate.
They have very little industry and almost no agriculture. Most of the working adults leave the country for seasonal work in surrounding countries.
This is the first hit on my blog from the entire Continent of Africa and it amazes me that anyone is over there setting at a computer surfing the web at all.
I am so thankful that I was born and live in the United Sates,we are so blessed, or maybe even spoiled a little. We take so much for granted about our life style and the beauty that surrounds us. The ability we have to get in a car and go. We have houses to live in and food to eat. And even those that we call poor, are better off than the people of Bukina Faso.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

And to think that someone from there found your blog. That sort of rocks.