Thursday, March 12, 2009


Does any body else have a case of spring fever. Utah is beautiful after a spring snow storm. It cleans the air and makes everything look fresh and clean. Today was one of those beautiful days. Not much going on at work so I took the afternoon and went to do a little geocaching. Just found one cache, but I can't tell you were it is. You have to guess that one.
So for any regular reader of this blog, that is not a total stranger, to identify where this photo was taken, wins dinner at the Rio Grande Cafe of course I get to go with you. The picture was taken on 3/12/09 and is within a 50 mile radius of Stansbury Park.
This is a test to see if anybody really is reading my blogs, ever!


Steven and Kimberly said...

I read your blogs, too bad I'm not a family member. Sounds fun though!

Tiffany said...

Hey I'm a follower and I believe I have made more comments on your blog than you have on mine..... I really suck at guessing stuff though....

G.Ma said...

I think this is an old sign in a once exsisting little town just off I-80 on the way to Wendover. I can not remember the name of the town.
Am I right Am I Am I Am I

Dan said...

Sorry Karen, I think you need to be more specific. For your answer you get a book of matches.
Warm but not hot.

G.Ma said...

Well then how about an old gas station in Stockton, UT or Penny's gas station on the way to Vernon

Dan said...

G-Ma, you were closer the first time around.

G.Ma said...

One more guess--old gas station as you leave the West end of Granstsville? Or is it on the East end of Grantsville?

Dan said...

NOPE! Not there yet.
Doesn't anybody else have a guess?

G.Ma said...

I don't have a map

Kristy said...

You can just whisper the answer in my ear, cause I want taco lady! ;)

I have NO clue.